Uganda, September–October 2012
Hi Friends,
Thank you for your prayers and support as Laura and I served in Uganda from Sept 28–Oct 9. We had many challenges leading up to this trip with a financial fraud situation in Kenya, security concerns and then God clearly telling us not to go to Kenya. Then God miraculously had the airline refund a non-refundable ticket, so that we could then minister in Uganda as scheduled.
This was my 4th time to minister in Uganda and Laura’s 1st time. We were extremely busy preaching, teaching, traveling and praying in many areas around Kampala, Uganda. God kept us healthy and safe and gave us the energy to do what He wanted us to do for Him.
I preached and taught at 5 church services during our time. This was at 2 different churches in Kampala and 1 church in Entebbe. I have worked with these churches and pastors in my other trips. They are good friends and it was great to minister with them again and have them meet Laura. In each place, the people were so excited that we were with them and very excited that Laura could minister to them also.
Greetings and love dear brother Scott and sister Laura. God bless you and thanks for the sacrifice to come and spend some time with us. We were so blessed by your ministry here, our Church will never be the same!!!!!. My wife and Church sends their regards. God bless you.
Pastor Jimmy, Entebbe
Church in Entebbe, Uganda
Jesus Christian Centre
Scott Brookins Ministries raised funds to help build this church.
Church in Kampala Centre
Scott Brookins Ministries raised funds to help build this church.
Evangelistic Outreach Crusades
I preached 1 evening in a village in Entebbe. In 2009, we held a 5 day outreach crusade here, where many people repented and gave their lives to the Lord. Many of them are attending the church in Entebbe. PTL!
I then preached 4 evenings in Mpigi, Uganda. This town is west of Kampala with a population of about 2000 people. Pastor Benjamin planted a church here in May and this was the first outreach since that time. This town is very strong in witchcraft and has a very strong Muslim influence, including the town leaders. The church has about 100 people coming to the services and lives are being changed daily. God gave me the messages He wanted me to share each night and 45–50 people repented of their sins and gave their lives to Jesus during these 4 days. PTL!
The final evening, God had me preach a very strong message against false religions, against witchcraft and Islam, and then once again, present the Good News of Jesus Christ. (1 John 4:1–3)
Pastor Benjamin told us afterward that God surely protected us and surrounded us with His Angels, because in this town, they could have tried to throw stones at us to get us to leave. Laura constantly prayed during my messages and we thank the Lord for His guidance and protection. If any of you were driven to pray for us during 11am–1pm ET during these days, THANK YOU. You helped keep us safe so that the Gospel could be heard throughout this dark place. To God be the Glory!
Evangelistic Outreach Entebbe, Uganda
Evangelistic Outreach Mpigi, Uganda
Prayers and House Visits
For 7 days, we traveled to meet people in their homes to pray for their needs and their families. Many of the people cooked and provided us a very delicious meal. They told us that they were so blessed that Laura and I would come to their homes to meet them and pray for them. We were blessed to be invited and it was a privilege to lift them up in prayer and pray over them and for their needs.
- We prayed with many single mothers, with 2–6 children, that were abandoned by their husbands when they became Christians.
- We prayed for some that had illnesses and HIV.
- We prayed for jobs, provision, and better living conditions. Many homes were rooms about 10 feet by 10 feet, no water, no indoor toilets, no cooking facilities and many with no electricity.
- We prayed for some who had small businesses or for others to start a small business.
Everyone we prayed for wanted to be used by God for His Glory. In spite of all their challenges, you could see the joy of the Lord in them.
Pastor Benjamin told me that when you have nothing—no money or food—you only have Jesus Christ to depend on. The faith of our dear friends and brothers and sisters in Christ is very strong.
Land for School and Orphanage
We were able to visit the 10 acres of land that Scott Brookins Ministries helped purchase in January. This land is located about 1 hour west of Kampala. The vision is for an orphanage/school and community center to be built that will have a projected full population of 1000–1200 students.
This area has been affected by extreme poverty levels with unemployment up to 45–50% and HIV/AIDS in some areas has claimed entire families. Many other children that will live here will be from Northern Uganda, where most were abducted by the Lord’s Resistance Army.
This land is very fertile, and the church is planting and raising crops to provide food for the school and orphanage when built, and also for current needs.
Pastor Benjamin and Sister Grace had us plant 4 fruit trees, one for Scott, Laura, Ethan and Amelia.
Thank you for being a partner with our ministry. Please pray about becoming one of our monthly supporters. Our family can not follow God’s calling in our lives without you.
And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!
Romans 10:15
In Christ,
Scott and Laura