Voices of Love School
Thanks so much dear Brother, your involvement in this part of the world has tremendously changed many lives.
Pastor Benjamin

The dream for this school project started with Pastor Benjamin and his church, Jesus Christian Centre. They had been slowly raising the funds to purchase ten acres of land. The ministry partnered with them in 2011 to complete the purchase of this land near the village of Bulamu.
Construction started on this project in 2013, with many in the community of Bulamu being employed for the construction phases over the years.
There are several water wells on the property. These were all hand-dug sixty to eighty feet deep by the local laborers.

The Voices of Love School opened in 2015 with three classrooms consisting of fifty-five students, grades one to three. The school now has several classroom buildings, kindergarten to grade seven, lavatories, kitchen, house, and a large multi-purpose building.
The enrollment is between 400-500 students. The school provides two meals a day for the children and staff. The ministry supports a large staff of teachers, cooks, security guards, and property caretakers. This support also includes providing housing for the staff and their families.

The Voices of Love School is impacting the community, parents, children, and staff. Many parents expressed thankfulness for their children having access to a quality education in their small village. The children are healthy due to them receiving two nutritious meals a day at the school. The head teacher and staff always thank the ministry for paying the staff salaries “on time.” It is normal and common in Uganda for the teachers to be paid two to three months in arrears.

The Voices of Love School continues to receive the highest Government approval on the quality of education and facilities. Voices of Love is regarded as the model school for the entire region, and the students consistently receive some of the highest grades in Uganda on their annual exams.