Uganda, November 2015
Hi Friends,
Here is our report on our Mission Trip to Uganda last month. Thank you for your prayers while we were gone, especially to those of you who prayed during our 4 day Crusade in the Muslim village. God is doing amazing work there, and we are blessed and honored to be used by Him.
Our trip was very busy, as planned, and God gave us the strength we needed. It is difficult to share in writing and in a few paragraphs all that God allowed us to experience. The testimonies that were shared on how lives have been changed due to our ministry are overwhelming.
This is a long report, but we want to share as much information as we can. Please take the time to read below and watch all the videos. Each video is about 1–3 minutes in length. You will be blessed!!
Thank you for partnering with us in the work that God has called us to.
To God be the Glory!!
Voices of Love School
On Saturday, we spent the day as special guests of the school. They planned a celebration event just for us to show us what God is doing in this school and the community of Bulamu.
We toured the school, met the staff, some of the parents from the village, and the Government school inspector who came to meet us as well. The children are excelling in their work and all have learned English in a very short time. The school is rated the highest in the region and once it is a completed Primary 1–7 School, it will have the highest rating in Uganda.

There are 98 children attending currently and they performed songs, dances, recited the school anthem and a poem written for us. Please enjoy these videos and photos.
Several of the staff, the head master and the children in their poem, thanked us for paying the staff salaries “on time.” We learned that what is normal and common is for the teachers to be paid 2–3 months in arrears. They said that we are the only school in Uganda that pays the teachers at the beginning of each month. Thank you to our partners for providing these salaries. It is making a huge impact in peoples lives, their faith and hope for their future.
School Construction
The additional 7 class rooms are ready to be finished in time for the 2016 school year, which opens in February 2016. We need to plaster the walls, install doors, windows, ceiling fans, solar panel, and paint. This is a large project that needs about $16,000 to complete.

We are required to build a playground before the school opens as a Primary 1–7 School. This would provide room for the children to play soccer (football), play games and also have playground equipment for the Preschool and Primary school. Estimates are about $1,500 to have the ground leveled, tree stumps removed and prepared for the playgrounds. About $2,225 is the estimate to purchase the playground equipment for both the Preschool and Primary School. A total of $3,725.

Food Supply
We provide 2 meals a day and many testimonies were shared on how healthy the children are because of this. There is a school farm, where corn and beans have been planted. The older children help with this and are learning skills as well. The harvest will be used to feed the children and some of the harvest can be sold as well.

This self grown food supply is increasing and will soon be able to help provide some of the needed food and also give a source of income for the school.
Here is the new chicken coop.

The chickens were recently purchased, and there will be over 100 chickens that will be donating eggs each day.

We now have over 20 goats, and counting. The milk from the goats will be used for the children and can also be sold in the community. “Father Abraham” has done well as the father of many.

We have 5 milk cows also. These will provide milk to the children and the milk can also be sold in the village.

Pastor Benjamin and Sister Grace

Pastor Benjamin and Sister Grace are our dear close friends and partners in ministry. They have done an outstanding job in all that is taking place. God has given them the gifts and talents for this project, and brought so many people to join them in this.
Four Night Open Air Crusade
Thank you for praying for the 4 night Crusade we held in a Muslim village.
This is the beginning of the rainy season in Uganda, and God cleared the skies each night as we held the open air Crusade.

There was great Praise and Worship music and testimonies.

God allowed Scott to preach His messages for the four nights and many people repented of their sins each night and came forward to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Over the course of the week, about 50 men, women, and children came forward.
To God be the Glory!!
Prayer Requests
- Please pray for all the children, staff, and parents of the Voices of Love School.
- Please pray for Pastor Benjamin and Sister Grace and their family.
- Please pray about being a Monthly Financial Ministry Partner with us.
- Please pray about donating towards the remaining $16,000 needed to complete the construction of the additional 7 class rooms.
- Please pray about donating towards the $3,725 needed for the School Playground.
- Please pray for all the people who repented of their sins, and gave their lives to Jesus at the Crusade.
May God be Glorified in all that we do!!
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress.
James 1:27
In Christ,
Scott and Laura